Building Heritage Heroes through Education and Character

Give now to continue our mission using our Founding Fathers’ and Founding Mothers’ examples.

Build youth with strong character, strong families, strong communities, and a strong America.

Goals of Giving Efforts:

Student Scholarships
Teacher Rewards
Debt Reduction
Technology & Facility Enhancements
Innovation Elevation

Your generous gift ensures consistent investment in the educational and character growth and development of our youth.

Responsible Governance

Sound, solid, and successful 30 year history as a 501(c)3 charter school system.

  • 8 Exceptional Schools from PreK to 12th Grade

  • Each school is led by a dedicated team of administrators, including a Principal, Assistant Principal, and an Administrative Team.

  • School Governing Boards:

    • Provide academic oversight
    • Ensure financial accountability
    • Foster community partnerships
    • Are accountable to the Arizona State Board for Charter Schools
  • All schools are 100% accredited by Cognia (formerly AdvancED) or certified by the state.

Learn about Jared L. Taylor, Heritage Academy CEO and Chairman by clicking the button below.