Scholarly Journal.

Our Mission:

Thomas Jefferson stated, “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” It is the goal of Independence and Heritage Academy as a whole to keep our nation from a state of ignorance. To accomplish this, Independence will promote learning through the essays of Heritage Academy scholars.

Submit your works to:

The Journal

Current Issue:

Journal Feb Essays

Journal Winter 2018

Winter 2017: This issue is entitled Independence: Winter. Its a great read. Curl up with this and a cup of cocoa over the holidays!

Excerpt from Education: The Foundation Of Our Future by Jacob Hill:

Today, we are facing a crisis.
America boasts of its freedom and so-called
limitless possibilities. And yet, beneath this
golden shell, a festering and unsavoury truth
lurks. The United States of America are
struggling, and it isn’t a fight that we are
winning. Many things, people, and events
are preventing our nation from rising up and
regaining the glory and prestige it once held.
And one of our greatest and most difficult
roadblocks? Education. Our schools are not
what they should be. Students are not
learning so much as reciting facts and
formulas for a test that will likely never
impact their lives again. When it comes to
overall knowledge, our “great nation” is
grossly represented. In a number of studies
done over the past few years, some
disturbing data was collected. Out of all the
adults in America, only 40% have
completed at least an Associate’s Degree. ………


Fall 2017: This issue is entitled Independence. We hope you enjoy reading it!

Fall 2016: This issue entitled Unchampioned Liberty discusses how your fellow Heritage Heroes take a stand for this country’s unique and profound principles.

Summer 2016: This issue entitled Changing Tides discusses how the nation’s view of freedom has shifted as times has passed, as well as highlights how progressiveness has eliminated chivalry from our society.

Spring 2016: What makes America unique among all the nations of the world? Its foundation is set in the idea that all men ought to be free. This issue explores this unique American ideal, the issues it has created, and its result of unparalleled advances in human happiness.

Winter 2015: A people will have the government they deserve. It is, therefore, our duty, as custodians of the sacred flame of American liberty, to do our best to deserve the prosperity, peace, and agency afforded to us by our founding fathers. How? It is as simple as this: Virtue.

Fall 2015: This issue entitled Equation for Freedom discusses why and how people should strive to obtain and preserve liberty.

April 2015: This edition of the Journal explains the importance of being unified, of refraining from judging our peers, and of keeping out of debt.

March 2015: The March publication, Education in America Vol. I, describes how home-based and moral education are vital to the preservation of liberty.

February 2015: This month’s Patrick Henry Special Issue speaks of the necessity of action, education, and involvement in the quest for freedom.

January 2015: The January edition of the Journal discusses how if Americans will take advantage of the opportunities they have as citizens of this country, they will be able to make a vast difference, both in the United States and the world.

Fall 2014: This first issue deals with themes of self-discipline, education, and accepting the burdens of self-government.


Editor-in-Chief, Daniel Pang, Class of 2017

Editor of Reviews, Samuel Reynolds, Class of 2017

Editor of Submissions, Miriam Gregg, Class of 2017

Head of Finances, Emily Kister, Class of 2017

Public Relations Officer, Kat Cuciak, Class of 2017

Editor of Design, Benjamin Hill, Class of 2018

Media Manager, Becca Eldredge, Class of 2018

Board of Submissions

  • Angeleen Hyde, Class of 2018
  • Baylee Allred, Class of 2017
  • Carlie Meeker, Class of 2018
  • Dayson Durfee, Class of 2018
  • Elesha Barlow, Class of 2018
  • Grace Stanton, Class of 2018
  • Hannah Stapley, Class of 2017
  • Kylie Wride, Class of 2018
  • Paige Thornton, Class of 2018
  • Shannon Erikson, Class of 2018

Mentoring Faculty

  • Jennifer Denton


This journal contains writings from various authors. The journal staff and Heritage Academy is not responsible for the accuracy of cites from works.  Inclusion of these writings does not constitute an endorsement by Heritage Academy or the Independence staff.