Today’s post for Scholar Talk Tuesday was submitted by Alexandra:

Procrastination is one of the many things that you do while attempting to study for finals. Whether it be watching TV or cleaning your room, high school scholars do anything to keep from studying. Personally, my favorite form is watching YouTube videos and claiming that it “helps me think”. When it comes to finals though, my studying has the occasional breakdown and tears. The stress can just become a little too overwhelming. Here is a step by step tutorial to help you stop, and relieve your stress:

Step One: Take Everything Out

The first thing you do is take your notes out of your bag hopeful that you’ll be able to finish it quickly. Then you take out none of the following to decrease your distractions;

  • Your Phone
  • A Pencil
  • Extra Paper
  • A Book
  • A Calculator (especially if it’s a TI-84, games included)
  • Your BFF

Step Two: Don’t Bother Me

You will want to tell everyone that could possibly contact you during your study time to not bother you. Make sure that this stress-free study session is going to go interruption-free.

Step Three:  Occasionally, Ignore Step Two

While following step two can help lower distractions, make sure to take breaks. Talking with friends and family can help lower stress, and give you a good laugh.

Step Four: Relieve Some Stress

Grab some bubble-wrap, your dog, or the nearest face mask. Don’t be afraid to walk away from all of the notecards and packets. Don’t burn them… yet.

Step Five: Study One Class at a Time

For a math class, fill out the packet one chapter at a time. Doing it all at once will increase stress and anxiety. The class that you struggle in the most, split up the studying and do it between other classes. Now, that doesn’t mean don’t study for the classes you have high grades in. Show each class the same amount of attention and tears.

Step Six: Don’t be Afraid to get Help

By going to a small school you have the ability to get more of a one-on-one with your teachers and other students. If you don’t feel confident on the Chemistry or English final, go ask your teacher. If you don’t feel comfortable doing that, ask your friends and your peers.

Step Seven: Good Luck

The night before finals don’t cram for studying. Since we go to a school that has a schedulevery similar to a college’s, you only need to study for the finals you have the next day. Take a relaxing shower (or bath… especially if you have bath bombs), wash your face, find a good crunchy snack, and study lightly. Make sure to go to bed earlier and have a good breakfast in the morning.

Step Eight: You’re Done!

Congratulations! You are now finished with finals and on break! Now, you can do either of the following:

-Throw all of your papers up in the air and cry tears of joy


-Have a bonfire to celebrate… Invite all of your friends

Have a happy and stress-free finals week!


Blog post written by Alexandra Hess from the Gateway campus