As a chemistry teacher, I have the opportunity to teach my students/scholars about chemistry AND beyond that, problem-solving skills that will help them now and in the future. My scholars are amazing and are highly motivated to learn. Many of them are interested in continuing on to college in STEM-related fields (which makes me feel really happy)! Our classroom was in need of 4 computers which would give students the tools they need to complete labs, research important subjects related to science and engage in classroom discussions about current topics in chemistry. Computers in the science classroom also make it possible for students to gain experience using data collection tools and gain hands-on data collection experience. Students will be able to use the computers to create graphs and analyze data that will help them understand the natural phenomenon that they observe through experiments. Students will be able to discover relationships and draw conclusions by linking their hands-on learning to the topics that they research and learn about. Because of this need, we reached out to our Heritage family of faculty, families and friends, and they responded in the most amazing way! Thank you to all those who donated and made it possible for us to add these tools to our classroom!
Donations provided by:
Felipe Babbitt
Johnathan Babbitt
Sterling Ellsworth
William Whitehead
David Laidig
Krystal Adams
Angela Parker
Dana Burnett
Laura Fabiano
Kristin and Dave Free
Dan Wilson
Rachel Gannon
Benjamin Shepherd
Kenneth Lint
Nora Hall
Michele Cyr
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
We appreciate all your help!
Mrs. Babbitt
{For those wanting do execute this same fundraiser for their classroom, here is the process that Mrs. Babbitt followed: “The project went through Donors Choose. The principal signed off on the fund raiser and fliers were passed out to all my students and front desk as well as announced on my family Facebook feeds. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was doing a dollar for dollar match for every Donors Choose project posted at that time. So, that organization donated 50% of the proceeds which made it much easier to get everyone excited about taking advantage of the matching funds.” }
Mrs. Babbitt is a Chemistry & Robotics teacher at the Mesa campus.
For opportunities to fund classroom tools or technology, please email our fundraising contact, Ms. Crosland at or submit your donation HERE.